When Me and Vishal were walking on the dirt track in Surajpur Wetlands, this beautiful Blister beetles drew my attention. There were quite a few who were flying around and mostly feeding on vegetation. I realized that even Vishal was interested in these and thus decided to stop and take few pictures of this.
When Me and Vishal were walking on the dirt track in Surajpur Wetlands, this beautiful Blister beetles drew my attention. There were quite a few who were flying around and mostly feeding on vegetation. I realized that even Vishal was interested in these and thus decided to stop and take few pictures of this.
This picture was clicked at ISO 125, f/16 and thus the shutter speed was relatively slowat 1/50 second. The breeze was moving the tall grass stalks and making this picture was a bit difficult. I wanted a smaller aperture to capture slight drama in the back ground which would have completely got vanished on a wider aperture (which would have allowed me a more decent shutter speed).
Clicked with Nikon D-7100 and Nikon Nikkor AF-S 200-400 mm f/4 ED-G VR-II lens with 1.7x Nikon tele-converter at 550 mm with translates to about 825 mm on my DX camera.